The Re Institute      
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                   1395 Boston Corners Rd, Millerton NY 12546

New SH op on the ground floor

A brief preamble:

This is the 14th year that I have had shows in my gallery The Re Institute. It has been a great pleasure and an important aspect of my art life and community. I just turned 62 and am realizing that I can not continue to make a living as a tile mason. The gallery has always been a “Non Profitable” endeavor. I have never put any emphasis on showing work that would sell. Not that some work hasn't sold but it was never the goal.

The proposal:

I want to have one of the downstairs rooms dedicated to work that is under $1000. The closer to $500 the better. All work should be less than 24” by 24”, signed, and ready to hang or display. A large table and some shelves will be available. I will have a flat file for works on paper that are not framed. Over the years I realized that this price point is where most people stop when they contemplate buying art. The room would be hung salon style. If someone wanted to buy the work it would be cash and carry. I would replace work as it is sold throughout the season. The season will run from April to late October. The overall theme for this year is art and friendship. The work by default fits this year's theme because you have all shown here before or are part of this community. The work doesn't have to be about friendship, it just has to be what you want to show. I am interested in all art forms, crafts included. I will be taking a 50% commission on sales. There is a link to an application form at the bottom of the email where you can add the necessary information about the piece or two you’d like to sell in The SH op. I will consider up to two pieces that fit the above criteria. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at my email address or phone number.

You will need to do two things to apply:

One: Please use this link to submit your entries: FORM

Two: Please send an image of each piece to my email address Please label each image as follows Name_Title_Material_Year